Dorothea Kleine
Prof Dorothea Kleine leads the Digital Technologies, Data and Innovation (DDI) group at the Sheffield Institute for International Development, University of Sheffield. Her research investigates sustainable human development, global justice, and the role of ICTs in making progress towards these aims. Themes such as gender equality, participation, justice and choice run strongly through her work.
She has published widely and is particularly well-known for her theoretical work on applying the capabilities approach to digital development, as laid out in Technologies of Choice (MIT Press). Dorothea Kleine has researched with partners in Africa (Kenya and South Africa) and Latin America (Brazil and Chile), as well as advising UNICEF, UNEP, DFID, GIZ, IDRC, Nokia, GSMA and Oxfam. In 2015 she gave the keynote at the GIZ Gender Week.
She holds a PhD from the London School of Economics. Before joining Sheffield, she worked at Cambridge and Bonn universities and was director of the ICT4D Centre, Royal Holloway, University of London. She is Co-Chair of ICT4DNorth (oE) a network of ICT4D researchers at universities in the North of England. Recently she co-facilitated the international participatory process of agreeing on minimum ethical standards in ICT4D/ICTD research.
Follow Dorothea on Twitter here.